Specialists gather in a top-secret facility to investigate a series of strange deaths on beaches along the Atlantic Ocean. One of the team's scientists (Nana Gouvea) examines video evidence to uncover a possible parasitic explanation for the fatalities. But when a determined detective (Tom Sizemore) sends her the crazed writings of a mysterious homeless man (Jonny Beauchamp), the scientist slowly learns that the actual threat may be more dangerous -- and far older -- than anyone ever imagined. Can she convince her colleagues (led by Eric Roberts) of the true danger before an ancient force rises from the sea to bring madness and death to all of humanity


  1. 1心慌方3 9.0
  2. 2生葬惊魂 5.0
  3. 3长忆无痕 3.0
  4. 4夜深血红 8.0
  5. 5养鬼吃人8:地狱世界2005 7.0
  6. 6活在暗下 7.0
  7. 7笑面豺狼 1.0
  8. 8迷情记 9.0
  9. 9恐怖公墓 8.0
  10. 10隐藏杀手2 9.0
  11. 11魔翼杀手 8.0
  12. 12暗水深处 3.0
  13. 13鬼哭神嚎8:灵异鬼现 4.0
  14. 14夜半鬼敲门 4.0
  15. 15调音师(短片) 5.0
  16. 16野兽之日 9.0
  17. 17核能浩劫后 2.0
  18. 18我唾弃你的坟墓2 5.0
  19. 19梦魇疯人院 2.0
  20. 20最后通牒 9.0
  21. 21白雪坏公主 3.0
  22. 22波基普西录像带 3.0
  23. 23蓝色阳光 1.0
  24. 24影之地带 10.0
  25. 25蘑菇人玛坦戈 9.0
  26. 26医怨 2.0
  27. 27微微的猩红 5.0
  28. 28灰天鹅绒上的四只苍蝇 8.0
  29. 29丧妖集聚 4.0
  30. 30阴儿 10.0